Scope and Sequence

The American Civil War Era Thematic Unit
Part One: Events Leading up to the Civil War
Time: 2-3 days (45 minute sessions)
Goal: Students will identify, interpret, analyze, and reflect upon the events, causes, and effects of the American civil war.
Students will work in groups of three or four. Students will scan through their textbooks, notes, and/or use the internet to create a timeline of the events leading up to the, during, and after the civil war. Student will put their completed time-lines on posterboard, decorate it, and share it with the class. The completed time-line posters will be displayed around the classroom.
Background Knowledge:
From the very beginnings of America's history, there was a growing sectional division between the Northern and Southern states. In 1861, this division finally erupted into a civil war that would tragically take the lives of 620,000 Americans. The war lasted four years, finally ending in 1865. This four year battle/struggle between the Northern(Union) and Southern (Confederate) states sparked due to thier differing life styles. The Yankees (the north) fought for the south to relinquish their farm lands, abolish slavery, and give in to the industrial way of living. The Rebels (the south) wanted no part in the Yankee way of life and ruthlessly fought to keep to keep the life style they were use to.
Part Two: The Eruption of the Civil War and key events/battles.
Time: 5-6 Days (45 minute sessions)
Goal: Students will identify, interpret, analyze, and reflect upon the major battles of the American Civil War.
Students will work on in-class assignents(handouts and reflective journal writings) to demonstrate their comprehension of the presented content. Students will be paired into groups of two and will write and present about a battle that they found to be interesting. Students will be given class time to research their selected battle and work on the writing/presentation part of the project.
Part Three: The After Math and Effects of the War
Time: 4-5 Days (45 minutes sessions
Goal: Students will identify, interpret, analyze, and reflect on the effects of the civil war.
Student will have an opportunity to study various primary documents dating from the civil war era and will continue their reflective writing. Students will be asked to analyze a primary document of thier choice. Students will analyze and interpret their document and create their own civil war document. Student will work individually on this assignment. Once the students are finished their work, they will be asked to share their finished product with the rest of the class before hanging them on the bulleton board.
Focus Questions
Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 2
Power Point
Slide Show
Related Websites
Grading Rubrics